User Registration

Account information

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Registration information

Privacy notice - Collecting personal information

Email address

Please provide a current and valid email address. This will only be used by AVETMISS Data Entry Tool if you require assistance with your account.


A username is required to sign in to AVETMISS Data Entry Tool.

Please enter a unique and memorable username to use with this system. If at any time you forget your username it can be retrieved and sent to the email address you have registered.

The entered username must follow the following rules:
  • Can contain alpha (lowercase only) and numeric characters.
  • Cannot contain special characters.
  • Can be between 6 and 30 characters long.


Please enter a strong and reliable password.

The entered password must follow the following rules:
  • Cannot contain the entered username.
  • Cannot contain any part of the entered name.
  • Can be between 8 and 30 characters long.
  • Must fulfil 3 of the following 4 criteria:
    • Contain at least 1 uppercase alpha character (A-Z).
    • Contain at least 1 lowercase alpha character (a-z).
    • Contain at least 1 numeric character (0-9).
    • Contain at least 1 special character (e.g. !, $, #, %).